What is the most powerful weapon created by humanity?

Tsar-Hydrogen-Bomb1What is the most powerful weapon on earth? Weapons experts agree it’s the Tsar[1] Hydrogen Bomb Tsar-Hydrogen-Bombdetonated on October 30th 1961. The bomb had a yield of 50 Megatons of TNT, it was the most powerful man-made explosion in history. The explosion was the equivalent of 1570x of both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions[2], it was 10x all the conventional weapons used in WW II. Nikita Khrushchev, head of the Soviet Union, wanted to demonstrate his nation’s power to the world and in particular the United States.  

            Today most nuclear powers, use the same technology in their own missiles. Where does a Hydrogen bomb get its power? It uses the power present in the Uranium238 atoms and unleashes it the right time to deliver a devastating attack on its intended target.  The power was always present in the atoms, it is only the mechanism in the warhead that unshackles the unstable grouping of protons, neutrons and electrons that cause the explosion. The same power holding the Uranium atom together is the same power that holds the atoms together in a cup of water, the only difference, the atoms in H2O are much more stable than Uranium238.  To put it another way, the energy present in one cup of water, could provide enough power to a city for over a year[3]. The hydrogen bomb is powerful only because of what is in it has the power.

 Tsar-Hydrogen-Bomb2a           This is the most powerful weapon man has to offer, but its power only comes from the power already present. Where did this power come from?  What was the source of the power and energy in the physical world?  According to the Bible, God spoke our universe into creation, God’s “WORD” caused the universe.  Contrast this to the Atheist claim the universe exploded from nothing.  So either a Universe exploded from nothing or it was caused by a greater cause.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_Bomba

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki

[3] http://www.nairaland.com/973294/theres-enough-energy-glass-water